DSG: The Final Interview, plus Frieze essay
I was lucky enough to meet the shadowy, secretive collective of 'IKEA Anarchists', the Deterritorial Support Group, who transformed protest propaganda in 2011, and spoke to them for hours and hours and HOURS, for The Guardian's g2 section. One day I will publish the full interview, maybe. It's about 10,000 words long. Here's the much more concise Guardian feature.
"Some people asked me what it meant, but it means exactly what it says: the post-political is the most political. It hits the nail on the head. Mainstream politics is over. It's over! It's us, capital and the fash. That's it!"
A week or two later, they closed down their blog, to a stunned response. Read their farewell statement here, and heed their call to carry on the struggle into new territories: here are ten of their exciting suggestions.
Relatedly, my essay for Frieze about the "graduates with no future", thinking big, and about the forging of a new utopianism, is now online. It's been wonderfully titled 'And Then?'.
Jamais Cascio, a leading thinker on geo-engineering and scientific futurology, recently coined the term ‘charismatic megafutures’, which he defines as ‘grand visions of tomorrow that are more evocative than they are meaningful’. While obviously no-one should strive to be lacking in meaning, charismatic megafutures are exactly what we should be looking to create; if they are more evocative than they are workable for now, then so be it. This is the necessary next step in the emergence from the shadow of capitalist realism; first, to be able to imagine another world – then, to create it.
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